Speed Blackjack is one of the games available in all international casinos and online betting sites. If you are passionate about card games with rewards, you will definitely be attracted to this game because of its attractive gameplay. So what are the rules and how to play this card game? Let’s find out more details with phfun in this article.
Some details about the card game Speed Blackjack
Speed Blackjack is a card game based on score comparison between the dealer and the player. Participating in this game, members will have to try to draw cards so that the total score of the cards in hand is close to or equal to 21, not exceeding 21.
Among online casino games, Speed Blackjack This is a game that requires players to have good card counting skills, so it attracts many people who want to test themselves. The specific tool for playing this card game is a standard deck of 52 cards, each player will be dealt 2 cards by the Dealer. head plank.
Based on the score of 2 cards, the player can choose to draw more cards or not, as long as the score is closest to 21 to win, not exceeding 21. Game rules Speed Blackjack Similar to blackjack in Vietnam and China, details will be shared in the content below.
Game rules and basic rules in the card game Speed Blackjack
To play this prize exchange card game effectively, you need to clearly understand the rules of the game and the basic rules in the online betting system.
Organize the game table
Each Speed Blackjack table will have 1 dealer and a maximum of 7 players, also known as the bookie. Each member focuses on playing cards with the dealer, not competing with each other.
Play a lot hand for a while
At the game Speed Blackjack Normally, each member will be a bookie corresponding to 1 hand in each game. However, there are now many new versions that allow members to play multiple hands in the same game, meaning they can play multiple doors. If you want to participate in as many hands as possible, you just need to place that many bets before the dealer deals the cards.
Deck of cards used
This game uses more than one deck of 52 cards, even international casinos mix 6-8 decks together. Therefore, it is inevitable that you will be dealt 2 equal cards.
How to calculate points
Regulations on scoring points in prize exchange card games Speed Blackjack as follows:
- Numbered cards (2-10) are assigned scores corresponding to the number written on that card.
- The Ace (A) card has a quite special scoring convention, depending on the most beneficial situation, A will have a value of 1 or 11.
- The remaining head-shaped cards (J, Q, K) will generally be worth 10 points.
Rules to draw additional cards
After the dealer and dealer are dealt the first 2 cards, the player can choose to draw unlimited additional cards as long as the total score is close to 21 and cannot exceed.
After the player draws cards, it is the dealer’s turn. However, the dealer’s turn to draw cards is limited to only drawing cards in cases where the score is less than 16 points, and when the card is drawn above 17 points, the card is stopped.
Goal when playing Speed Blackjack
The goals of members when playing Speed Blackjack card game betting are towards the following results:
- Achieving a total score of 21 with only the first 2 cards, also known as Speed Blackjack, the player will win if the Dealer does not have this deck.
- Achieve the final score not exceeding 21 points and higher than the dealer.
- The dealer draws more cards and exceeds 21 points, the player will also be considered a winner
Revealing the secret tricks to play Speed Blackjack unbeaten
Although this game depends heavily on card drawing experience, to increase your odds of winning, you should also cultivate the following knowledge:
Come up of a specific playing strategy
To be confident when making each bet, you need to have a strategy and playing tactics Speed Blackjack for yourself. Just like going into a match requires a specific strategy, playing card games also requires you to have strategies to avoid confusion and fear when falling into unexpected situations. This will help bettors be more confident and bet decisively and effectively.
Understand the situations when you should draw more Speed Blackjack cards
In cases where the total number of 2 cards has a score, you should draw more cards.
The total of 2 cards is from 3-10 points
If the 2 cards dealt have a total score of 3 – 10, this is a fairly low score, the only option is to draw more cards. Because the score is so low, no matter what card you pick, you don’t have to worry about getting more than 21 points.
The total of 2 cards is from 16 – 17 points
If the 2 cards dealt have a total score of 16 to 17 points, bettors will probably have to consider whether to draw more cards or not. Because the score range of 16-17 may also have a chance to win, but if left alone, the probability of winning is not too high. So whether you stop or withdraw more depends on whether you are in a losing or winning streak, and your playing strategy Speed Blackjack What is yours now?
The total of 2 cards is from 19 – 20 points
If the 2 cards dealt have a total score of 19 – 20 points, this is quite a high score. The probability of drawing an additional card of 1 – 2 points is very low, so you should not choose to draw an additional card in this case. Because if you are still determined to increase your score, there is a high possibility that your hand will be Quack.
Stop playing at the right time
If you guys play Speed Blackjack And if you lose 1-2 games, you can still continue to play because sometimes these 1-2 games cannot be evaluated in terms of effectiveness. Who knows, if you continue playing, you can recover your previous losses in the next few games. But if you lose continuously from start to finish, the most suitable solution is to stop playing immediately.
Because sometimes winning or losing depends on luck, your skills and experience are not good. Therefore, temporarily stopping playing to break the losing streak and improve your knowledge and skills is the most suitable choice. After such losing bets, players should reflect, analyze and train themselves to observe and maintain a more stable mentality.
Split betting capital
The masters playing Speed Blackjack often have a strategy of dividing their bets into several parts. For example, if the initial bet is 2 million, you should bet the first game 200PHP, if you lose, still bet 400PHP in the 2nd game, if you continue to lose, still bet 800PHP in the 3rd game…
However, this betting strategy requires players to have large enough capital to maintain until they win. If you don’t have capital and experience, you can bet a small amount of money in each game to try your luck and test your prediction ability, thereby gaining your own experience.
Useful information about game rules and how to play Speed Blackjack shared above hopefully will help bettors play more effectively. The important thing when playing this game is to be alert and calm to make decisions about whether to draw cards or not, and how to bet. Wish you good luck and bet effectively, play and win money from the bookie.